What Happens After Divorce Papers Are Served?

What Happens After Divorce Papers Are Served?

person signing paperwork

What Happens After Divorce Papers Are Served?

When one spouse files for divorce, the other spouse gets served with divorce papers. Whether you are the one initiating the divorce or the one who receives the papers, it’s important to know what comes next. There’s work to be done and deadlines that must be met. Our Morristown divorce attorneys can tell you more.

What Should You Do After Being Served With Divorce Papers?

If you are the one receiving the divorce papers, it’s important to respond. You should also:

  • Carefully read over the papers
  • Hire an attorney of your own
  • Meet with other professionals who can help you plan for a post-divorce life, like financial advisors
  • File an “answer” and any counterclaims

When someone files divorce papers they can make certain assertions or allegations. The person who has been served needs to respond to these. They also need to act quickly. You have just 35 days to respond to divorce papers in the state of New Jersey.

What Happens If Someone Doesn’t Respond to Divorce Papers?

If the person being served with divorce papers does not respond within the deadline, the court could issue a default judgment. This essentially gives the filer of the papers everything that they wanted. So if you are served with divorce papers, take the time to stand up for yourself and make your case to the court. If you don’t do it now, you may find that you do not have the opportunity to advocate for yourself later.

Will I Have to Go to Court After Serving or Being Served With Papers?

Whether or not you’re going to have to spend a significant amount of time in court can depend on a few factors. The first important element is what kind of divorce you are pursuing. If yours is an uncontested divorce, this means that you and your spouse agree on what you want. You may be able to work out an agreement and go to court for a final hearing to get your divorce approved, and that might be it.

If you have a contested divorce and cannot seem to agree on major issues like child custody or property division, that may require some litigation. However, before our clients go to court we like to suggest alternative methods of dispute resolution. You and your spouse might find success with mediation, arbitration, or collaborative divorce. These methods can be less expensive and time-consuming than traditional litigation.

Contact Our Experienced Divorce Attorneys

When you are going through a divorce, you need someone to advocate for your best interests. Contact Lazor Rantas, PC and sit down with our divorce attorneys. We can tell you more about what we can do to assist you and help you fight for a fair agreement.

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