How Can I Get a Fast Divorce?

A man in a short-sleeved denim shirt and white pants stands outdoors, checking the time on his silver wristwatch as if anticipating a quick divorce. A railing and a bright sky form the backdrop.

How Can I Get a Fast Divorce?

You shouldn’t rush through a divorce, but there are ways to make the process a bit faster. If you want to get this over with and get a fast divorce, our Morristown divorce attorneys can tell you how to prepare and what kinds of divorces tend to go quickly. Here’s some advice from our experienced family law attorneys.

How Can I Prepare for a Fast Divorce?

If you want a fast divorce, you need to be ready to hit the ground running once the process begins. That means:

Having the necessary documents: You are going to need a full accounting of your assets and debts. Tax returns, bank statements, and any other financial docs should be organized and ready to be used in negotiations. It’s also a good idea to have any records concerning your estate plan, if you have one, and copies of any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements that were signed.

Meeting with an attorney: If you want a fast divorce, you should have an attorney on your side. A lawyer can tell you what needs to be done and when so that you do not miss any important deadlines. They can also help you get this done quickly without making mistakes that could result in a lopsided, unfair divorce agreement.

Is An Uncontested Divorce Fast?

An uncontested divorce is going to be fast compared to a contested divorce simply because there is less to discuss and arguments over big issues like alimony or child support have already been settled. A contested divorce can turn into an uncontested divorce though. You just have to be willing to negotiate, and we’ll talk more about that in a second.

What Else Can Help a Divorce Go Quickly?

Many people think that they will have to go to court to settle their divorce, but this isn’t your only option. Mediation allows you and your spouse to discuss important matters and negotiate with the help of a neutral third-party mediator. Collaborative divorce employs a whole team of people who can help you turn a contested divorce into an uncontested one.

Litigation can be time-consuming and expensive. You also have to wait for a judge to be free to hear your case. This means that alternatives like mediation can take less time. If getting a fast divorce is your top priority, then you’ll want to at least explore these options with your lawyer.

Schedule Your Consultation

Everyone’s situation is different though, so if you are really curious about how you can get a fast divorce you should meet with our legal team. Contact Lazor Rantas, PC and ask to schedule a consultation. We can tell you more about what to expect from this process and how we can be of assistance.

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