Can I Get a Divorce Without Going to Court?
Going to court can be expensive and time-consuming. If you are filing for divorce in New Jersey, you may be wondering if it’s possible to avoid all of this. There are other ways to negotiate with your soon-to-be former spouse, so our Morristown divorce attorneys may be able to help you spend as little time in court as possible.
How Can I Get a Divorce Without Going to Court?
If you want a divorce without going to court, you are going to need to have an uncontested divorce. This means that you and your spouse agree on everything and just want to separate. If you do not agree on everything, that is a contested divorce. You’ll need to work things out in other ways if you want to avoid court.
When you have an uncontested divorce, you will probably just need to go to court for a final hearing and the issuance of the final divorce judgment.
Are There Options For Solving Conflicts Aside From Going to Court?
Exploring alternative dispute resolutions is one of the best ways to avoid going to court. You can turn a contested divorce into an uncontested divorce by working through each important issue and coming to an agreement without going through litigation. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth the effort if you really want to avoid drawing things out.
One method that some couples find success with is mediation. A neutral third party helps you and your spouse work through each issue by encouraging conversation and agreement. If you and your spouse can put aside personal issues and animosity, this can be a great way to arrive at a divorce agreement. Mediation can be quicker and less expensive than going to court, and it’s confidential too.
Arbitration is another alternative to going to court. It functions a bit like court, with a discovery process and the presence of lawyers on both sides, but it’s on an accelerated schedule and you do not have to wait for a busy divorce court to free up a date. Decisions from this process are legally binding and there is usually no option to appeal.
Should I Hire a Divorce Lawyer?
We do recommend hiring an attorney, even if it seems like your divorce is not that complicated. You can hire a lawyer to serve as a mediator in mediation. You can also hire a lawyer to serve as your personal representation, someone who helps you fight for fair deals and look over any agreements before you sign them. Whether you plan to spend a lot of time going to court or you want to avoid litigation as much as possible, our attorneys can offer you assistance and help make this entire process less stressful.
Contact Our Law Firm Today
Going through a divorce on your own is difficult. Contact Lazor Rantas, PC if you want a lawyer who is ready to advocate for you and your interests. Schedule your consultation today.