What is the First Step of the Divorce Process?

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What is the First Step of the Divorce Process?

The divorce process can be complicated and even taking the first steps can require a lot of paperwork and multiple copies of different documents. If you are ready to file, going it alone is not your only option. Our Morristown, New Jersey divorce attorneys can help you with this process and assist you in negotiations.

How Do I Begin the Divorce Process?

You file for divorce in the county you lived in. You must have a few different documents, including a complaint for divorce, and a filing fee. It’s also adviseable to have multiple copies of everything so that you have copies for your records. Once you have begun the divorce process, your spouse will be served with divorce papers and have the chance to respond.

It’s important to note that you also have to have “grounds” for divorce. This can be a specific issue or you can just say that you have “irreconciliable differences.” This is what’s known as a “no-fault” divorce and it’s an option if you and your spouse have been separated for a certain period of time.

Do I Need a Lawyer to File For Divorce?

You are not required to have a lawyer when you file for divorce. However, getting divorced requires a lot of paperwork from the very beginning. A lawyer can help you put everything together and save you a lot of time.

It’s also helpful to have a lawyer during the actual divorce process. A lawyer can help you negotiate for fair agreements about difficult issues like child custody and division of property. If you have questions about the process or you want to explore other methods of dispute resolution, we can help you with that. Above all though, a divorce lawyer can help you advocate for yourself and ensure that your interests are not ignored.

What Comes Next in the Divorce Process?

If your spouse does not respond to the divorce papers, you could be granted a default judgment. This essentially means that the court just gives you everything that you asked for. If your spouse responds, then the divorce process gets a bit more drawn out.

You may have to go to a case management conference. This makes it clear what kinds of issues need to be settled before a divorce can be finalized. Both parties also go through the discovery process and can present whatever evidence they want to use in negotiations along with their complete financial records.

Do I Have to Go to Court?

The issues in your divorce can be addressed by going to court, but it’s not the only option. Some couples use arbitration or mediation to come to agreements on key issues. Then the judge can sign off on their agreement and issue a final divorce judgment.

Schedule Your Consultation

So if you are thinking about starting the divorce process, talk to our lawyers first. Schedule a consultation with Lazor Rantas, PC and learn more about what our attorneys can do for you. We’ll help you fight for the best outcome in your divorce negotiations.

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