Can My Parents Make Me Draft a Prenuptial Agreement?

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Can My Parents Make Me Draft a Prenuptial Agreement?

Oftentimes, before marriage, couples will draft prenuptial agreements. In fact, drafting prenuptial agreements is more common now than ever, and many people across the country are coming to realize that these agreements are incredibly useful tools utilized to protect assets from a potential divorce in the future. That being said, prenuptial agreements involve more than one person, and at times, parents will try to, in effect, force their grown children to draft such an agreement. If you are in this situation, you are most likely now wondering whether they can do so and what your legal options are. Please continue reading and speak with our Morristown divorce attorneys to learn more about prenuptial agreements and whether your parents can force you to draft one. Here are some of the questions you may have:

Can my parents force me to draft a prenuptial agreement? 

As you know, marriage involves more than two people, as two families will be joined together. Because of this, there are certain scenarios where parents will become particularly involved in their child’s marital plans. For example, if a family is wealthy or owns a business, they may wish to protect that business from a potential divorce. While this is completely understandable, the truth is, parents cannot force their children to draft such agreements. The only people who may draft prenuptial agreements are future spouses. That being said, you should understand that while your parents cannot make you draft such an agreement, in many cases, doing so is the smartest thing to do, as it can save everyone greatly in the long run.

What makes a prenuptial agreement valid?

There are several qualifications for a valid prenuptial agreement. For example, they must be in writing, they must be fair and just to both parties, they must be signed in front of a notary, there must be no evidence of coercion/deceit into signing the document, and more. When a parent forces, or attempts to force their son or daughter to sign such an agreement, it would make the agreement invalid. If this has happened, you may contest the agreement. If you have any additional questions about prenuptial agreements in the state of New Jersey, or you are looking to contest an invalid prenuptial agreement, please do not hesitate to speak with our experienced New Jersey family law attorneys today. Our firm is ready to assist you through every step of the process ahead.

Contact our experienced New Jersey firm

If you are considering a divorce and need an attorney who can effectively represent you through every step you can count on Lazor Rantas, PC. We proudly serve clients throughout New Jersey as they navigate divorce and family law matters. To discuss your case with an experienced legal team, contact Lazor Rantas, PC today.

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