How to Make Your Divorce Cost Less

How to Make Your Divorce Cost Less

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How to Make Your Divorce Cost Less

Here’s an understatement: Going through a divorce can be not only emotionally, but financially challenging as well. During the process, your marital assets will be divided and the financial resources that supported one household will now be spread between two. Add to that legal fees and additional unexpected costs, and the price of a divorce can begin to feel overwhelming. However, there are a few significant things you can do to lower the cost of divorce so you can move forward with your life. Some of these tips may seem small, but they add up in value.

Be Organized

When it comes to legal fees, time is truly money. By being organized, you can ensure that the process is as efficient as possible, which will not only keep your costs low, but will save you unnecessary aggravation. Compiling information for review in an organized manner and completing all forms as completely as possible can save time and money. If you need help completing a task or do not understand elements of it, ask your attorney to clarify rather than running the risk that your work will need to be redone. Much of family law involves keeping track of details, including relevant dates, account numbers, and other assets, and good organization will ensure that this process will run as efficiently as possible.

Keep Your Emotions in Check

This one is particularly hard. But when your emotions begin running the show, it’s time to take stock. If you cannot effectively communicate with your attorney or perform the tasks required to move your case forward, this will end up significantly complicating and prolonging the process. Similarly, if you express your anger in ranting text messages to your spouse, that could potentially harm your case and/or create more work for your attorney in trying to remediate your outburst. More work means more fees. Unchecked emotions can also cloud judgment, derail a settlement, and otherwise complicate a case. Like an athlete preparing for a race, you need to bring your best self to your divorce proceedings even when it feels like the worst of times.

Know Your Bottom Line

Determining your bottom line is essential so that you know exactly what to ask for in the settlement. Note that your “bottom line” doesn’t mean getting everything you want; instead it means answering the question: “What do I need to move on and start over?” These considerations can include the emotionally difficult task of deciding how much less time with your children you are willing to endure to settle your case. It involves looking at your expenses, understanding the numbers, assessing your income (or ability to earn income if you have been out of the workforce for a while), and projecting your financial planning.

Why take such a reductionist approach to your divorce? Because knowing your bottom line on all issues empowers you to have a very important conversation with your attorney, a cost-benefit conversation. For example, let’s say you want $100,000 for an asset your spouse wants to keep after the divorce. Your spouse only wants to pay you $75,000. What you want versus what you need then becomes a matter of what you want to spend over the $25,000 difference in value. Not every family law issue can be quantified so neatly, but these types of conversations are essential in helping keep both costs and expectations in check.

Contact a Divorce Lawyer Today

Going through a divorce can be an emotionally and financially taxing process, btu by being prepared, you can minimize these factors and help put your case on its best possible footing. At Lazor Rantas, we have many years’ experience helping our clients move efficiently and effectively through the process. Contact us by calling 973-457-8844 or filling out the form below and start moving forward with your new life today.

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