What are the Benefits of Divorcing Through Mediation?
When people are preparing to go through a divorce, they may wish to do so outside of the courtroom setting. This is because divorces through litigation are often overwhelming, hostile, and expensive. This is why alternative methods exist that allow spouses to settle their marital issues without the assistance of the court. One type of alternative divorce method is known as mediation.
Mediation can be a useful tool if the spouses in question can work together to negotiate the terms of their divorce. This process allows them to discuss these matters with the help and guidance of an unbiased third-party mediator to reach decisions that work best for both parties. Conversations that take place in mediation may consist of child custody, child support, the division of assets, and alimony. Continue reading below and reach out to our experienced New Jersey divorce attorneys to learn more about how this process can be beneficial for your case.
Benefits of Mediation
The process of mediation offers spouses a variety of benefits that would not be available to them should they divorce through litigation. Typically, spouses who go through this process tend to feel more accepting of the decisions they reach instead of having a judge make those decisions for them. The benefits of mediation can include the following:
- Control: Spouses have control over the future of their marital issues. During litigation, a judge makes all the final decisions, whereas mediation allows spouses to do so for themselves.
- Confidentiality: Mediation is confidential. None of the participating parties are allowed to share any information said throughout the process. This allows spouses to communicate openly and honestly with one another.
- Speed: This process is usually quicker than other divorce methods, depending on the couple and how many issues there are to resolve.
- Cost: Mediation is cost-effective. Divorcing in court can be expensive for both the couple and the state.
- Choice: Couples have the option to participate in mediation. It is a voluntary process. If they find the process does not work, they can end it at any time.
- Family: This process tends to benefit any family involved in the divorce, such as children. Trials can often bring out bad sides in people and can be tough to witness, while mediation facilitates healthy conversations.
How Does the Process End?
Once the couple reaches an agreement regarding the terms of their divorce, the mediator can draft a Memorandum of Understanding that outlines the decisions made. The spouses can give this to their attorneys who then create a Matrimonial Settlement Agreement. Spouses must both sign this before it can be presented to the court as an uncontested divorce. If the judge approves, the spouses can be granted their divorce.
Contact our experienced New Jersey firm
If you are considering a divorce and need an attorney who can effectively represent you through every step you can count on Lazor Rantas, PC. We proudly serve clients throughout New Jersey as they navigate divorce and family law matters. To discuss your case with an experienced legal team, contact Lazor Rantas, PC today.