How Does a Parent’s Financial Stability Impact Custody Decisions?

How Does a Parent’s Financial Stability Impact Custody Decisions?

alimony payments

How Does a Parent’s Financial Stability Impact Custody Decisions?

Financial stability is an important factor in determining which parent gets custody, but it is not the only one. If you are ready to make an argument for why you should have custody of your children, our Morristown child custody lawyers are ready to help you. We can show the court how you will make an excellent custodial parent, even if your spouse has more means or income.

How Can Financial Stability Help Determine Custody?

When the court looks at both parents and tries to decide whether one will get primary custody or whether a shared custody arrangement can be worked out, the income and finances of each parent is sure to be a factor. Presumably, a parent who offers financial stability can take care of their child’s needs and offer them a stable home as well. This is obviously a great thing, but the court will also consider the overall well-being of the child and a few other elements before a final decision can be made.

When Can Other Factors Make a Difference Besides Financial Stability?

The following factors may not be bigger than financial stability, but each helps give the court a fuller picture of the child’s relationship with both parents and what each parent will be able to provide. Commonly evaluated issues include:

  • Past drug use of both parents
  • Any history of domestic violence
  • Whether the child is old enough to express preference for a parent
  • The stability of the home environment
  • The fitness of each parent
  • The employment responsibilities of each parent

So financial stability is going to matter, but it will not be the only thing that makes a difference here..

Can Child Support and Alimony Make Up for a Difference in Income?

One reason we know that this is true is that we often see primary custody offered to the parent who makes less money. Their home could be the best fit for the child, even if they do not have as many resources as their spouse.

In situations like this, alimony and child support can even things out a bit. If the custodial parent works part-time, stays home to care for the children, or just makes less money than their former partner for whatever reason, these payments can help them provide financial stability for their kids.

Should I Hire a Lawyer?

Divorce can be a messy process, so having an experienced lawyer on your side can be helpful. We can help you fight for the most favorable outcome in every part of your divorce agreement, and that includes custody arrangements.

Schedule a Consultation Today

When you are ready to learn more about how our attorneys can help you argue for child custody, contact Lazor Rantas, PC and schedule a consultation. We can tell you more about how our law firm can be of assistance and what kinds of arguments could help you secure a more favorable custody arrangement.

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