Child Custody in New Jersey: When to Contact a Family Law Attorney

Determining child custody rights is among the most challenging aspects of a divorce. Inevitably, the decision comes at a time of heated emotions and many competing responsibilities. To make it more complicated, laws governing child custody vary by state and so there is no standard approach to navigating the issue.…
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Is There a Way to Win Child Custody Back in New Jersey?

Child custody is perhaps the most important divorce-related issue to parents across the country, as both parents generally want to play an active role in their child's life. However, if you are someone who was initially denied custody of your child, you are most likely now looking to win at…
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What Happens if My Ex Refuses to Follow Our Child Custody Agreement?

There is nothing more important to a parent than the well-being of their child. This is why if you believe your ex has violated your initial child custody agreement, there is a very good chance that you are now looking to remedy the matter in the best way possible. Please…
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Can a Grandparent Receive Child Custody in New Jersey?

As a grandparent, your grandchild is among the most important parts of your life. This is why if something should happen to your grandchild's parents, you are most likely ready and willing to step in and help raise the child in any way you can. Please continue reading to learn…
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Here is What You Need to Know About Child Custody in New Jersey

As you know, child custody is among the most critical divorce-related issues, and if you are a divorcing spouse in New Jersey, you must continue reading and speak with our experienced Morristown divorce attorneys to learn more about custody matters, how courts decide on custody, and how our firm can…
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Parental Alienation in New Jersey | What You Need to Know

Divorce is among the most emotionally-involved processes anyone has to go through in their lifetime. Unfortunately, this fact is even more true when there are children involved. Fortunately, most divorcing parents can put their differences aside, see the bigger picture, and understand that they have to work together to do…
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